cornerstone|cornerstones in English


first stone of a building laid at a formal ceremony; something fundamentally important; stone forming a corner of two walls

Use "cornerstone|cornerstones" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cornerstone|cornerstones" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cornerstone|cornerstones", or refer to the context using the word "cornerstone|cornerstones" in the English Dictionary.

1. Cornerstones are laid for the Nauvoo Temple.

2. Cornerstone Financial Credit Union

3. Cornerstone Building Brands Announces Strong Third-Quarter 2020 Results Cornerstone Building Brands, Inc

4. Landscape Boulders are one of the cornerstones of landscape design

5. It's my cornerstone, isn't it?

6. Welcome to Cornerstone General Contractors

7. Click here to access Cornerstone Portal

8. Bromances have become a television cornerstone

9. Coin definition is - corner, cornerstone, quoin

10. Learn more about Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc.

11. Aromatherapy Vapor Inhalation One of the cornerstones of Aromatherapy treatment is the vapor technique

12. Hard work is the cornerstone of success.

13. Research is the cornerstone of the profession.

14. One thing remains unchanged: The word integrity remains one of the cornerstones of Artel Design Studio

15. Surely, when we build a better world it must be based on some absolute cornerstones.

16. The Lord has established these cornerstones in His eternal plan, and each one is essential.

17. The disjunctive proposition has two aspects of independence of two important cornerstones for logic inference.

18. Cornerstone Care has a Federal Public Health Service

19. Welcome to Cornerstone OnDemand! Before You Get Started

20. Antitrust law is the cornerstone of free markets

21. Norbert Green Knight Hockey, and the Cornerstone Skating Club

22. Candlestick charts serve as a cornerstone of technical analysis.

23. Collaborate has been learning partner to the Cornerstone Fund

24. Bookends is an indispensable cornerstone application within my workflow.

25. The guidelines are the cornerstone of federal nutrition policy.